Students rethinking science

The first student Open Science Journal, course platform, think tank, and research hub for life and health sciences in the German-speaking area.


We are looking for new team members!

Become active with us because we are the student voice of young scientists!  

Call for Papers

Gain publication experience and publish your research, doctoral, bachelor's, master's or term papers. Register your interest or submit a paper already!

We are helping to develop a better science of tomorrow!

More transparent, fair and inclusive - based on the Open Science principles!

Those with first-hand experience of how science can and should be different will perceive the process of scientific discovery differently from the very beginning and develop their own critical ideal of science.

Publicising student research

Our Open Science Journal

Student criticism of the ​ scientific system

Our Think Tank

Academic training of students

Our Course Platform

Realising student research projects

Our Research Hub

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Gain publication experience and publish your research papers, doctoral theses, bachelor's theses, master's theses, term papers and much more.

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Discover our course offerings! 
Take part in our peer review crash course or become a review fellow and get an introduction to the critical evaluation of scientific practices. 

Read our publications 

Discover our previous publications!  
Experience the variety of student publications - from original works, to columns by guest authors, to in-house publications from our team

Think along

Discover our think tank! 
Help shape our vision of a more transparent, inclusive, and open scientific practice and help establish a new critical awareness in science!

Join us

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We are especially looking for students from non-human medicine, patient care disciplines!

Us – in 3 minutes

In this short video of the Berlin University Alliance, our co-founders Anne Neumann, Felix Hambitzer, and Dario von Wedel present the philosophy and ideas of the initiative. (German audio and subtitles)

Become part

Experience the Student Network for Open Science - the first student open science journal, course platform, think tank and research hub for the life and health sciences in German-speaking countries - and shape future scientific practice bottom-up with us! 

What do we stand for?

Peer review, hands-on: Experience science "from the other side" with us and gain your first experience in peer review as a student reviewer - through a modern, transparent process. 

Student publishing: We create opportunities to experience academic publishing during your studies - even without previous experience and always closely supported by our team of editors! 

Inclusive networking: Complex challenges require interdisciplinary answers - we bring together all disciplines relating to the topic of health and make what we do understandable for everyone, within science and beyond.

Learning from each other We teach the principles of peer review, good and fair scientific work, and open science in high-quality student-led courses.  

Shaping scienceAs the scientists of tomorrow, students can harness their idealism to push boundaries and initiate cultural change - help shape it in various ways in our own ThinkTank!

What others think about us?

I’m deeply impressed by the work of the [NOS] team. Not only do they provide students with valuable opportunities to publish their research projects, but they also promote innovative new ways of organizing scientific publishing, taking advantage of state-of-the-art open science developments. [NOS] offers a great example of what I hope the future of scientific publishing will look like!

Ludo Waltman
Professor of Quantitative Science studies, Universiteit Leiden

In my opinion, [NOS] is exactly the right open access format for medical students - transparent, open, quality-assured through open peer review, independent. After so many years of the Open Access movement, it is a logical development for students to publish their publications Open Access and thus drive the cultural change towards Open Science in academia. The students of today are shaping the academic system of tomorrow. What particularly impresses me about [NOS] is the high motivation of the team and the very inviting, clear website and social media communication. I wish you every success and that you become a pioneer and role model for other projects of this kind. (translated)

Elke Roesner
Head of Marketing, ZB MED

Berlin Exchange has not only created a platform on which excellent research by students can be made visible and evaluated and published in professional and innovative processes, but also a network of motivated, committed, and courageous individuals who are already shaking up the academic world - in a positive sense. Inter- and transdisciplinary approaches are a matter of course for this generation, as is an awareness of the social dimensions of research and teaching. The Berlin University Alliance is proud to be able to support those who represent the future of science in all its facets. (translated)

Gerrit Rößler
Director, Expertise and Knowledge Exchange Office, Berlin University Alliance

Using knowledge exchange early on provides early-career scientist with an unmatched opportunity to accelerate their research.

Marc Deweys
Heisenberg Professor of Radiology

Scientific publishing is definitely a topic for students! Why? Publishing work results promotes scientific exchange and also strengthens self-efficacy. Both are extremely important for students. [NOS] is doing a really great job of this. I am particularly impressed that [NOS] is developing its own peer review approach and training students in peer review. That's a big plus for the scientific community. (translated)

Anneke Meyer
Research Consultant, Leibniz Universität Hannover


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