Privat: Getting Started with Sensei LMS

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Sensei LMS offers drill-down reporting for you to see how learners are progressing across all courses, lessons and quizzes. To access this area, go to Sensei LMS > Analysis.

There are three main areas in this section:


The default view of the Analysis page shows an overview of your learners and their stats, all of which can be exported:

  • Learner – Learner’s username
  • Email – Learner’s email address
  • Date Registered – Date on which the learner registered on your site
  • Active Courses – Number of courses the learner is currently enrolled in
  • Completed Courses – Number of courses the learner has completed
  • Average Grade – Learner’s average grade across all courses
Analysis - Learners

Drilling down into a particular learner displays a page that lists the following information:

  • Course – Name of the course
  • Date Started – Date on which the learner started the course
  • Date Completed – Date on which the learner completed the course
  • Status – Course status
  • Percent Complete – Percentage of the course the learner has completed so far
Analysis - Learner courses

Drilling down even further into a specific course displays the learner’s progress at the lesson level:

  • Lesson – Name of the lesson
  • Date Started – Date on which the learner started the lesson
  • Date Completed – Date on which the learner completed the lesson
  • Status – Lesson status
  • Grade – Learner’s grade for that lesson, if applicable
Analysis - Learner course lessons

The Other Learners taking this Course view shows all other learners currently enrolled in the course:

Analysis - Course learners


Similar to the Learners view, the Courses view displays an overview of your courses with some stats, all of which can be exported:

  • Course – Name of the course
  • Learners – Number of learners currently enrolled in the course
  • Lessons – Number of lessons in the course
  • Completed – Number of learners who have completed the course
  • Average Percentage – Average percentage of the course across all learners
Analysis - Courses

Drilling down into a particular course displays a page that lists all of the lessons in the course, as well as the following stats:

  • Learners – Number of learners who are currently taking or have already completed the lesson
  • Completed – Number of learners who have completed the lesson
  • Average Grade – Average grade of the lesson, if applicable
Analysis - Course lessons

The Learners taking this Course view shows all other learners currently enrolled in the course. The view is identical to this one.

Drilling down even further into a specific lesson displays all learners who are currently taking or have already completed the lesson:

Analysis - Course lesson learners


Much like the Learners and Courses views, the Lessons view displays an overview of your lessons with some stats, all of which can be exported:

  • Lesson – Name of the lesson
  • Module – Name of the module the lesson is in
  • Course – Name of the course the lesson is in
  • Learners – Number of learners who are currently taking or have already completed the lesson
  • Completed – Number of learners who have completed the lesson
  • Average Grade – Average grade of the lesson, if applicable
Analysis - Lessons

Drilling down into a particular lesson displays a page that lists all of the learners who are currently taking or have already completed the lesson. The view is the same as this one.
